تعيين كلغة افتراضية
 تعيين كلغة افتراضية

Cold Storage Lighting Solutions

Cold Storage is not just cold, but also quite wet. This creates a huge demand for lighting equipment. Traditional explosion-proof lamps, energy-saving lamps, and incandescent lamps, when exposed to high temperatures and enormous amounts of heat for an extended period of time, can damage food, making them unsuitable for use in food refrigerators. This study provides a detailed analysis of cold storage, including why specific cold storage lamps and lamp guides are used.
إضاءة التخزين البارد

Cold storage is a critical location for storing food and other perishable products. Its primary role is to lengthen the shelf life of stored commodities by maintaining a low-temperature environment. It is not only cold indoors but also quite humid, which creates a huge demand for lighting equipment. Traditional explosion-proof lamps, energy-saving lamps, and incandescent lamps, when exposed to high temperatures and enormous amounts of heat for an extended period, can damage food, making them unsuitable for use in food refrigerators.

Cold Room Light
Cold Room Light

The particularity of the cold storage environment

    Cold storage is divided into two categories: refrigeration and freezing. The temperature in common cold storage lighting, which is used to store vegetables, fruits, and other fresh food, ranges between 0 °C and 10 °C. The freezer’s temperature will be lower. For long-term preservation of meat, fish, and other frozen products, the temperature is normally between -25 °C ~ and -18 °C. Others keep special materials at temperatures below -60 degrees Celsius. Ordinary lamps and lanterns may rupture due to internal material contraction in the lamp body.

    1. Low temperature

    Cold storage is divided into two categories: refrigeration and freezing. The temperature in common cold storage lighting, which is used to store vegetables, fruits, and other fresh food, ranges between 0 °C and 10 °C. The freezer’s temperature will be lower. For long-term preservation of meat, fish, and other frozen products, the temperature is normally between -25 ° C ~ and -18 °C. Others keep special materials at temperatures below -60 degrees Celsius. Ordinary lamps and lanterns may rupture due to internal material contraction in the lamp body.

    2. High humidity

      Cold storage temperature declines and water vapor condensation is attached to the lamp body and circuit board; if the lamp body is not waterproof, corrosion, water vapor, and electronic components easily corrode, affecting the lamp service life.

      3. It’s challenging to install

      The cold store interior has made the heat preservation processing generally, so the light should examine whether it is possible to install directly in the heat preservation material layer when installed.

      إضاءة التخزين البارد
      إضاءة التخزين البارد

      Traditional lights have limitations in cold storage

      To save money, several manufacturers continue to employ standard incandescent or energy-saving bulbs. لكن, in certain ultra-low temperature settings, these bulbs might explode and cause harm. Such freezer Even if you try to extend the durability of your lamps by installing a moisture screen, this is not always achievable at -18 °C because the life of a standard bulb in freezing conditions might be severely reduced. In some big cold storage facilities with incandescent lighting, energy-saving lamps are not ideal due to insufficient brightness. Some manufacturers will choose explosion-proof lamps, although they have higher power and energy consumption. As a result, it is highly necessary to use illumination lights intended for special cold storage.

      What features does the unique cold storage lamp have?

      • Low-Temperature Resistance: Special cold storage LED lights with strong low-temperature resistance are suited for all kinds of hard environments.
      • Strong light, long life: Replacing lamps and lanterns in cold environments is not only time-consuming, but it can also disrupt typical cold storage operations. As a result, the special cold storage bulb ensures high-brightness lighting while simultaneously having a long service life.
      • Waterproof and moisture-proof: In a cold storage environment with low temperatures and dampness, a particular cold storage lamp may prevent water vapor from entering and damaging the lamp body.
      • Energy-saving: It means reduced power use, which considerably reduces the cost of electricity.
      • Fire and explosion-proof: cold storage moisture, water condensation, and dripping on lamps and lanterns can cause explosions. Cold storage often uses a lot of insulation materials; these are combustible products; lamps and lanterns explode; and it’s easy to start a fire.

      The kind of chilled light and its purpose

      1. Air-cooled ceiling lamp appropriate for air-cooled cold storage, the general small cold storage installation is 10-30W, and the common shapes are round, oval, rectangular, square, زورنا.

      2. Lamp for cold storage made of aluminum bar hangers Aluminum bar hangers are suited for hanging bar cold store lamps. This type of aluminum bar hanger, a hanging bar standard 20cm, and hanging bar length may be changed according to customer requirements, manufacturing, long, square, round three shapes, 30دبليو.

      3. High-perfection ceiling lamp with transparent cover cold storage bulb. This type of penetration is very powerful, making it ideal for fog and humidity huge cold storage, particularly low-temperature storage.

      Cold Room Lighting
      Cold Room Lighting

      Guide to selecting lights for cold store lamps

      The selection of reputable manufacturers and brands is critical for ensuring the longevity and benefits of cold storage lamps.

      Laidishine, a leading Chinese manufacturer with 12 years of experience in LED manufacturing and development, has formed partnerships with global companies such as General Fuji and Haier-Kai, as well as large retailers such as Super Box Ma and Walmart, with the goal of providing customers with comprehensive lighting solutions. Its research and development of chilled lamps in the business is very impressive.

      The cold storage lamp has a full plastic lamp body design with special technology treatment of the end cap to achieve excellent waterproof performance; the waterproof level reached IP69K, is waterproof and anti-collision, ensures efficient operation in all kinds of harsh conditions, and extends the life of lamps and lanterns.

      The CRT can operate continuously from -30°C to 25°C in both refrigerated and frozen environments.

      Most refrigerated lamps on the market can only reach 120-130 watts; however, Ledison’s CRT series of refrigerated lamps exceeded this restriction and achieved a high brightness value of 160 lm/W, allowing even huge freezers to offer enough lighting. بالإضافة إلى, the CRT series has a low-voltage technology, which provides exceptional energy efficiency, saving more than 50% of total energy consumption.

      cold storage lighting

      As a crucial component of the cold storage environment, the cold storage bulb not only provides lighting but also considers the cost of operation and maintenance in the long run. As a result, while selecting and installing cold storage lighting, the organization should take into account their performance, كفاءة الطاقة, waterproofing, and other criteria to ensure the entire optimization of the cold storage environment.


      المزيد من المشاركات

      لحم طازج خفيف

      ما هي مدة صلاحية اللحوم اللذيذة

      تعتبر الأطعمة الجاهزة في متجر البيع بالتجزئة سريعة وسهلة الاستخدام, وطعمه لذيذ. إنه يناسب الحياة السريعة للأشخاص المعاصرين بشكل جيد. لكن, متى

      خزانة الجزيرة

      ساعدت شركة Laidishine أحد المتاجر الكبرى في بناء أول متجر 3.0 متجر في الصين

      ساعدت شركة Laidishine أحد المتاجر الكبرى في بناء أول متجر 3.0 متجر في الصين. من الفريزر العمودي إلى علبة العرض المبردة, ثم إلى خزانة الجزيرة وخزانة الخدمة, وقد تم تجهيز كل خزانة بنظام إضاءة LED مخصص عالي الوضوح, مؤشر تجسيد اللون ≥90, ناعمة مشرقة, وليس الابهار, لضمان استعادة حقيقية للسلع الملونة, العملاء يتسوقون بشكل مريح وسعيد, استمتع برحلة تسوق جيدة.

      المخبز الفرنسي

      إضاءة المخابز: الحفاظ على نضارة

      إذا كان الكعك كريم, الخبز, والعناصر الأخرى الموجودة في شاشة واجهة المتجر معرضة للضوء لفترة طويلة من الوقت, قد تفقد الرطوبة السطحية وتصبح قديمة أو حتى باهتة. تم تصميم حل Laidishine LED ليس فقط لتحسين عرض المنتج بشكل كبير في المتجر, إعطاء الخبز حيوية أكثر جاذبية, ولكن أيضًا لإبطاء عملية شيخوخة الخبز الناتجة عن الضوء في النافذة بنجاح, إطالة عمرها الافتراضي ودعم النمو المستمر لأداء المبيعات.

      ضوء العرض المبرد

      كل ما تريد معرفته عن تأثيرات الإضاءة

      تؤثر قوة وحدة الإضاءة بشكل مباشر على مقدار الطاقة التي تستخدمها. يزداد استخدام الطاقة مع زيادة الطاقة. سندرس العلاقة بين السطوع والقوة بمزيد من التفصيل في مقال اليوم.

      تعيين كلغة افتراضية

      تعيين كلغة افتراضية 12 تعيين كلغة افتراضية, تعيين كلغة افتراضية "@ layishine.com".

      تعيين كلغة افتراضية, تعيين كلغة افتراضية تعيين كلغة افتراضية, تعيين كلغة افتراضية, إذا كان لديك مزيد من التفاصيل عن المنتجات أو ترغب في الحصول على حل خفيف عن طريق التفاوض.

      حماية البيانات

      من أجل الالتزام بقوانين حماية البيانات, نطلب منك مراجعة النقاط الرئيسية في النافذة المنبثقة. لمواصلة استخدام موقعنا, تحتاج إلى النقر فوق "قبول". & يغلق'. يمكنك قراءة المزيد عن سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا. نحن نقوم بتوثيق موافقتك ويمكنك إلغاء الاشتراك بالانتقال إلى سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا والنقر على الأداة.