Electricity Usage and Power Consumption of LED Lights (2)
Let’s talk about how much energy LED lights really consume and how much electricity costs we can save with LED technology.
Let’s talk about how much energy LED lights really consume and how much electricity costs we can save with LED technology.
Let’s talk about how much energy LED lights really consume and how much electricity costs we can save with LED technology.
This post will tell you what is the CRI value of LED lamps.
The color rendering index is a photometric quantity used to determine the color impression of an illuminated object. It is a unit-less reference index. Sunlight serves as the reference.
Der Farbwiedergabeindex, auch als CRI- oder Ra-Wert bekannt, gibt Auskunft über die Qualität der Farbwiedergabe einer Lichtquelle.
We talked about the advantages of current LED lighting, to sum up the following points.
With the breakthrough of LED technology a modern and future-proof light source came onto the market. Here are the 10 advantages of current LED lighting.
With the breakthrough of LED technology a modern and future-proof light source came onto the market. Here are the 10 advantages of current LED lighting.
With the breakthrough of LED technology a modern and future-proof light source came onto the market. Here are the 10 advantages of current LED lighting
Neither line-voltage nor low-voltage technology is better in general. But depending on the situation, one or the other variant is recommended.
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