Stärkung der Vertriebsexzellenz: Willkommen beim neuen Schulungsprogramm für Vertriebsmitarbeiter von Laidishine

Believing in the power of the sales team, Laidishine offers a comprehensive and motivating training program for new sales employees. The training focuses on building a solid foundation of sales employees in the refrigeration industry and products, covering cooling system science, advanced technologies, and different industry needs, enabling employees to confidently interact with customers to provide customized solutions that meet their unique needs. Laidishine's commitment to the growth and development of its employees goes beyond initial training programmes, with ongoing support, mentorship and promotion opportunities. Encourage employees to take the initiative to develop their careers, participate in continuous learning programs, and take on new challenges. Designed to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in the highly competitive field of refrigeration solutions. Together, we will make a significant impact in the industry, drive business growth, and deliver unmatched customer value.
Enployee Training

Von Laidishine, we believe that our success lies in the strength of our sales team. As a new sales employee, you are an integral part of our growth and the driving force behind our continued achievements. We are excited to introduce you to our comprehensive and empowering training program, designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to excel in the dynamic world of refrigeration solutions. Join us as we embark on a journey of professional development, collaboration, and unparalleled success.

Building a Solid Foundation:

Our training program is meticulously crafted to provide you with a solid foundation in the refrigeration industry and our diverse range of products. You will receive comprehensive insights into the science behind cooling systems, gain an understanding of our cutting-edge technologies, and familiarize yourself with the specific needs of various sectors, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and logistics. This knowledge will empower you to confidently engage with clients and offer tailored solutions that address their unique requirements.

Mastering Sales Techniques:

Von Laidishine, we believe that sales excellence is achieved through a combination of product knowledge and refined sales techniques. Our training program incorporates proven sales methodologies, effective communication strategies, and relationship-building techniques to help you become a trusted advisor for our clients. You will learn how to identify customer needs, present compelling value propositions, handle objections, and ultimately close deals that drive mutual success.

The Power of Collaboration:

Von Laidishine, collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. Our training program emphasizes the importance of teamwork and encourages an environment of shared learning and support. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with experienced sales professionals, technical experts, and cross-functional teams to gain valuable insights and broaden your perspective. Together, we will harness the power of collaboration to deliver exceptional customer experiences and exceed expectations.

Customer-Centric Approach:

At the core of our training program is a customer-centric philosophy. We believe in understanding our client’s unique challenges and providing solutions that meet and exceed their expectations. You will learn to listen actively, empathize with customer needs, and deliver personalized recommendations that drive customer satisfaction. By putting the customer at the centre of everything we do, we cultivate long-lasting relationships that foster loyalty and drive business growth.

Continued Growth and Development:

Our commitment to your growth and development extends beyond the initial training program. Von Laidishine, we offer ongoing support, mentorship, and opportunities for advancement. We encourage you to take ownership of your professional development, participate in continuous learning initiatives, and embrace new challenges. As you contribute to our company’s success, we will invest in your success, providing you with the resources and guidance needed to reach your full potential.

Join the Laidishine Sales Team:

We are thrilled to welcome you to the Laidishine family and invite you to join our dynamic sales team. Through our comprehensive training program, we aim to empower you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in the competitive world of refrigeration solutions. Together, we will make a significant impact on our industry, drive business growth, and deliver unparalleled customer value.

Visit our website,, to learn more about our company, explore our product offerings, and discover the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Welcome to the Laidishine Sales Team!

Anwendungsfallanalyse und Perspektiven:

Anwendungsfallanalyse und Perspektiven

Deckenleuchte für Supermarkt

Deckenbeleuchtungslösungen für Supermärkte

Gitterlichter, Flächenleuchten, Röhrenlichter, und Linienlichter, unter anderem, werden häufig in Deckenbeleuchtungsdesigns für große Supermärkte verwendet. Jede Leuchte hat ihre eigene, unverwechselbare Beleuchtung

LED-Licht für Multi-Deck-Vitrine geöffnet

T8-Röhre: Von der Fluoreszenz zur LED-Innovationsreise

In der langen Geschichte der Lichttechnik, Die T8-Leuchtstoffröhre war ein leuchtender Star auf dem Gebiet der Kühlschrankbeleuchtung. Von 2017, Es hatte aufgrund seines unverwechselbaren Lichtaussehens und seiner allgemein gleichbleibenden Leistung große Aufmerksamkeit erregt. jedoch, mit der rasanten Weiterentwicklung der LED-Beleuchtungstechnologie, Die Marktposition der T8-Leuchtstoffröhre wurde in Frage gestellt. In diesem Artikel wird auf die Entwicklung der T8-Leuchten eingegangen, Einführung verschiedener Arten von T8-Lampen, und heben Sie Laidishines Erfindung im Kontext der Popularisierung der LED-Technologie hervor.

Tipps zur Auswahl Ihrer Kühlvitrinenbeleuchtung

Für Ihre Ausstellung, Die Auswahl der richtigen Kühldisplaybeleuchtung ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Diese Leuchten erhöhen die Sichtbarkeit von Produkten, erhöhen ihre Attraktivität für Käufer. Erhebliche Energieeinsparungen

Vitrinenleuchten für die Fleischpräsentation

Beleuchtung der Fleischvitrine

Vierzig Prozent der Kunden fällen ihr Fleischurteil auf der Grundlage der Farbe, laut Umfrage. Ohne Zweifel, Diese Studie verdeutlicht, wie wichtig das Erscheinungsbild für die Umsatzsteigerung ist. Die Bedeutung der Kühlschrank-Ausstellungsbeleuchtung in diesem Zusammenhang liegt auf der Hand, da sie eine wesentliche Komponente zur Verbesserung der Präsentationswirkung von Artikeln darstellt. In diesem Artikel wird die Wirkung von Vitrinenlampen auf Fleisch und die Auswahl von Fleischlampen erörtert

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