LED Manufacture Rohm Suspends Tianjin Plant Amid Covid-19 Outbreak


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Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 in Tianjin, China on January 9, restrictions on movement have been imposed, including the start of PCR testing for all citizens. Infolge, Rohm has temporarily suspended its Tianjin plant since January 9.

ROHM Group places the highest priority on the health and safety of our employees, and has established a complete quarantine system, including hygiene management,” the company writes in an update.

The company continues to say that it will keep monitoring the effects of COVID-19 and work with the administrative authorities to resume normal operations as soon as possible.

Gleichzeitig, the company is transparent with the fact that the resumption of operations cannot be determined at this time. The main product of the suspended plant are diodes, LEDs, laser diodes, sensors, LED displays.

How will this affect the LED lighting industry? Maybe other LED manufacturers will benefit from this.

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