Oralucent bringt patentierte blaue und rote LED-Lichttherapie-Zahnbürste auf den Markt

LED-Beleuchtungsanwendung – News Cover

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LED lightings can be used not only in consumer electronic products, but also in medical products according to their characteristics. Today let’s share a case of that with new technology.

Oral health is the gateway to overall health, yet there has been little innovation in the core component of oral care – the toothbrush – in over 20 Jahre. Until now. Oralucent has launched its multi-patented, blue and red-light emitting phototherapy toothbrush to address whitening and other common dental concerns in a safe and effective way. LED light is delivered through the toothbrush head and travels into tight spaces, between teeth and even under the gum line.

The CDC estimates 50% of adults and 70% of seniors have gum disease, and harmful oral bacteria have now been linked to 8 out of the 10 leading causes of mortality including heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

Over the past two decades, numerous scientific studies on the oral microbiome have demonstrated that certain wavelengths of blue light have antimicrobial effectiveness by selectively targeting and eliminating the pathogenic bacteria associated with tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. In Ergänzung, blue light is absorbed by dark pigments and stains on teeth. Blue LED light acts as an accelerant, amplifying the teeth whitening effect and the germ-killing action when combined with peroxide containing products such as Oralucent’s O2Gel.

Blue LED light is widely used in dentistry and for a range of therapeutic applications including antimicrobial acne treatment, hospital sanitation, wound healing and against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Researchers at Utah State University recently reported the efficacy of blue light against the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID.

In the early 1990s, LED red light therapy was used by NASA scientists to promote wound healing in space. Now, its cell-renewing powers are used in all kinds of human medical and cosmetic applications. Dentists are using red light to reduce teeth sensitivity, heal inflammation, increase blood circulation, and stimulate growth of gum tissue and bone.

Oralucent’s unique combo of red and blue light is changing the face of oral personal care by harnessing the latest in science and technology. It took five years of research and development, working with top dentists, scientists, and engineers to create the perfect balance in this state-of-the-art technology.

Oralucent’s patent portfolio includes features such as machine learning enabled eye-protection, IoT light therapy capture and data sharing, and proprietary designs for the most popular toothbrush designs, sonic and spin.

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