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La eficiencia del LED incluye componente electrónico.

Cómo calcular la eficiencia del LED

How about LED efficiency? The overall efficiency of an LED lamp includes all the components it contains. This is often referred to as wall-plug efficiency.

Iluminación LED-Portada de noticias

Eficiencia y eficacia LED

The efficiency and efficacy of LED lamps are often mixed. This is certainly due to the fact that there is a direct connection between these two terms. Before further consideration, you should familiarize yourself with the exact definition.

cinturón ligero

Controlador LED de dos tipos

Each LED light requires a special device called an LED driver to turn on and operate. As we said last time, there are two typesconstant pressure and constant current; So what are constant pressure and constant current? This article will explain to you what constant pressure and constant current are.

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