Celebrando los logros y la unidad: Reunión Anual de Laidishine

Laidishine's annual meeting, la excelencia se celebró mediante premios al personal, actuaciones cautivadoras, y una reconfortante cena de equipo, Reforzar la unidad y el compañerismo que definen a la organización..
ladishinine 2024

Desde Laidishine, the start of a new year signifies not only the passing of time but also an opportunity to take stock of our group’s achievements and fortify the ties that unite us as an exceptional team. We gathered for our annual meeting on February 2nd, 2024, and the atmosphere was fantastic.

1. Yearly Staff Awards: Honouring Excellence

The Annual Employee Awards, where we recognised our team membersextraordinary contributions, served as the evening’s high point. These honours honoured both individual accomplishments and the teamwork that characterises Laidishine. Each award demonstrated the variety of skills and devotion inside our organisation, from exceptional project accomplishments to steadfast dedication.

2024 Rewards

2. Captivating Employee Performances: A Showcase of Talent and Unity

The stage came alive with a dazzling array of employee performances, featuring sketches, songs, and dance programs that left everyone on the edge of their seats. The creativity and enthusiasm displayed by our team members were truly inspiring, showcasing not only their professional skills but also the camaraderie that binds us together. It was a testament to the vibrant and diverse talents that contributed to Laidishine’s success.

Performance Laidishine 2024

3. Team Dinner: Strengthening Bonds Beyond the Boardroom

The festivities extended beyond the meeting room as we gathered for a heartwarming team dinner. This informal setting provided an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. Sharing laughter, stories, and delicious cuisine, we strengthened the bonds that are the foundation of Laidishine’s success.

Team Dinner 2024

As we move forward into the new year, the memories of this remarkable annual meeting will undoubtedly fuel our collective drive for excellence.

Laidishine is not just a workplace; it’s a community where individual achievements are celebrated, talents are showcased, and friendships are forged. Here’s to another year of growth, collaboration, and success at Laidishine!


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Tubo T8: De la fluorescencia al viaje de innovación LED

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Luces de escaparate de exhibición de carne

Iluminación de vitrinas de carne

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