Temperatura de color en Kelvin

You can also customize the color temperature you want.
Temperatura de color en Kelvin-Portada del blog

Color temperature is a way to describe the light appearance provided by a light bulb. To declare the physical standards is in physics, a theoretical black metal piece is used, which changes the colour by heating it, from red to blue. This is a scale derived, referred to as the unit Kelvin(k). The heated metal gives a pictorial presentation for the colour temperature. In a lower temperature, it glows red-yellowish, at higher temperatures glaring-white to slightly bluish.

Color temperature is measured in degrees of Kelvin (k) on a scale from 1,000 a 10,000. Typically, Kelvin temperatures for commercial and residential lighting applications fall somewhere on a scale from 2000K to 6500K. The lower the Kelvin value, the redder the light, and the higher the Kelvin value, the bluer the light. Warm white light has a Kelvin value of 2700 a 3000 kélvin, and cool white light averages around 4500 kélvin.

About our products, the main standard specifications for the color temperature of freezer lightings are 3000K, 4000k, 6500K and fresh meat. And about the shelf lightings, 2700-6500K is main. According to the quantity, you can also customize the color temperature you want.


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