Los alimentos no deben refrigerarse (1)

Did you know that there are many foods that we should stop refrigerating?
Aplicación de iluminación LED-Portada de noticias

Did you know that there are many foods that we should stop refrigerating? We’re completely aware of how modern refrigeration is a substantial practice in every kitchen and household. It goes a long way in preserving our food and maintaining its quality.

But did you know, despite popular belief, refrigerating certain foods can actually change their flavour (not in a good way). This is not it. It can even reduce their nutritional quality, or accelerate the spoiling process. Here are some food items that we should never keep in the fridge. We bet some of these are sitting in your refrigerator right now!


It is perfectly fine to freeze bread, but keeping it in the fridge causes it to dry faster. And you end up eating dry bread. Instead, keep what you’ll eat within four days at room temperature and freeze the rest. Store in a cool cupboard or bread box for a fresh slice.


It’s natural instinct to stuff the fresh herbs, you just bought from the grocery, right onto the fridge. But did you know herbs wilt faster in the fridge? You could place them in a water-filled glass jar on your kitchen counter to to keep it fresh and crisp.


Refrigeration adversely affects the flavour of potatoes, therefore it is best to store them in paper bags. Remember, plastic bags promote moisture and speed decay process.

4) FRUITS like ….

Avocado, apples, bananas, citrus fruits, berries, peaches, apricots, and nectarines should be stored out of the fridge. Refrigerating these fruits will result in loss of flavors and textures. Sin embargo, you can refrigerate these fruits for 30 minutes prior to eating if you want a crisp bite. Store oranges, lemons, and limes at room temperature on your kitchen counter. Just be careful not to bunch them too closely, or they will tend to mold. Don’t store an underripe avocado in the fridge, but an already ripe or cut avocado can be refrigerated.

Next time when we go to the supermarket, we can also pay attention to whether these foods are in the refrigerated display cases. And whether or not they are in the commercial refrigeration system, LED lights are needed to illuminate them. LED lightings with the right color temperature not only help preserve them, but also make them look prettier and more attractive.


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