Embraco y Hussmann presentaron nuevos alcances de estudio de caso 29% Ahorro de energía

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LED lighting for commercial refrigeration is one category of our main products. So when we see the news about refrigeration industry, as a supplier of LED lightings, we are interested in them, and also excited for the progress in HVAC industry.

Embraco presented on June 7th a new case study, in partnership with original equipment manufacturer Hussmann, showing up to 29% energy savings after switching from a fixed speed to a variable speed compressor, both running on natural refrigerants. The study was made with two Hussmann’s grab n’ go freezers, typical refrigeration equipment in convenience stores as well as common in the front area of supermarkets.

It was presented at the latest Atmosphere America Summit, in Washington D.C., a two day event (Junio 7 y 8) that gathered key industry experts, policymakers, end-users, manufacturers and contractors to discuss the latest developments in natural refrigerants-based solutions.

Hussmann, a North American multinational brand part of Panasonic and specialized in commercial refrigeration equipment, chose the Embraco FMFT variable speed compressor for its new portfolio of variable speed applications, the MicroSC, which includes grab n’ go freezers, horizontal islands and bunkers.

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