Hept: “Refrigeración inteligente” para comercio minorista y f&B

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We are professional manufacturer of LED light for commercial refrigeration and EPTA is one of our custmors. We supply LED lights to EPTA Qingdao and Thailand. Today we’d like to share the news about EPTA group.

The disruptive evolution of the Internet of Things also enters the Retail and Food&Bev world in leaps and bounds. Epta is one of the promoters of a smart development in the commercial refrigeration sector.

IoT takes a new intelligence of service inside and outside the store, allowing to guarantee greater efficiency, profitability, optimisation of running costs and perfect operation of systems.

Massimo Occhipinti, Digital Shared Services – Data & Platforms Manager of Epta:

«For Epta, the transition towards more advanced technologies, merged with the development of IoT and Artificial Intelligence translates into an unprecedented form of connectivity and data analysis of its systems and products, to offer Customers greater value. Además, the collection and subsequent processing of information is essential for Epta, to take data-driven decisions and achieve more performing results ».

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