Ikea lanza la lámpara LED inteligente NYMANE

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Ikea has added a new smart light to its range, the NYMANE LED pendant lamp. The device’s design is based on the KLANG light from the 1960s and the light is both wireless and dimmable. Ikea claims that the LED light is glare-free.

You can select from three different color settings: 2200 k (warm glow), 2700 k (warm white) y 4000 k (cool white). You can control the pendant light through the Ikea Home smart app or with a remote control, sold separately.

Ikea claims that the LED light source will last longer than 20 times the life of an incandescent bulb while consuming 85% less energy. If the LED were to break, the company says it is replaceable.

The pendant measures 15-in (~38cm) in diameter. You can now buy the NYMÅNE LED pendant lamp in either black or white for US$79.99. The product joins an expanding range of smart home devices from the Swedish furniture company.

From the news, we can know the LED lighting is getting more popular because of its long lifespan.

If you have trouble with the lighting of commercial refrigerators, retail shelves, coldrooms, etc.. please feel free to inquiry us.

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