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The Image Of China’s LED Lighting Industry In 2022

Iluminación LED-Portada de noticias

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China’s LED lighting industry is developing with the continuous development of technology. Since foreign brands entered China in 1995, our country’s lighting technology has begun to promote and grow rapidly. Since 2009, in the field of technology, China’s LED has rapidly extended from the application end of the industry chain to the upstream, and chips with independent intellectual property rights have appeared. Since 2016, the technology of our country’s LED lighting industry has reached a new height, with full-spectrum, healthy lighting, plant lighting, automotive lighting, IR/UR, Micro/MiniLED, LiFi and other related products and technical solutions appearing one after another.

The LED general lighting market in our country can be subdivided into four categories: home lighting, commercial lighting, industrial lighting and government public lighting according to customer themes. The main products include all kinds of chandeliers, ceiling lights, etc. The LED special lighting market mainly includes automotive lighting, landscape lighting, UV lighting, etc. The main products include various emergency lights, car lights, etc.

From the perspective of our country’s LED lighting product penetration rate, the domestic penetration rate of our country’s LED lighting products (the number of LED lighting product sales/total sales of lighting products) continues to increase from 2015 a 2019, and the domestic market share of LED lighting products will reach 78% in 2020. This is an increase of 2% over the previous year. It shows that the needs of LED lighting products in our country continues to increase. With the continuous introduction of favorable policies in our country and the continuous improvement of the supporting industry chain, it is expected that the demand for LED lighting in my country will further expand in the future.

From the perspective of the scale of our country’s LED lighting market, the scale of China’s LED lighting market will maintain a fluctuating trend from 2016 a 2020. Affected by the global Covid-19, China’s LED lighting market will decline in 2020, a 701.3 mil millones de yuanes, a year-on-year decrease of 7.10%.

After years of development of LED lighting, the downstream application market of LED lighting has gradually become stable and mature, and the scale of the industry is much larger than other segments. The upstream epitaxial chip has been greatly influenced by the outside world and has shown a fluctuating state in recent years; the midstream package has been affected and changed by the upstream. The trend is basically the same as the upstream change trend. In 2020, the scale of the upstream, middle and downstream industries will be 22.1 mil millones de yuanes, 82.5 billion yuan and 596.7 billion yuan respectively.

Technological innovation is an important driving force for the healthy and orderly development of LED lighting.

It is expected that LED lighting technology will usher in further development in the future; from the perspective of market segment development, healthy lighting and human-oriented lighting are the future development trends of LED lighting.

The above data refers to theChina LED Lighting Industry Market Outlook and Investment Strategic Planning Analysis Reportby the Foresight Industry Research Institute.

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