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Iluminación del producto

The fact that LED lights use significantly less energy in comparison with conventional lighting and also have a longer service life should be clear to almost everyone by now.
Congelador comercial-Portada de noticias

Light is a multifaceted and extremely efficient display tool that can only work to its full potential when it also provides an extensive range of options. An attractive and modern lighting design effectively puts both food and non-food displays in the limelight and significantly boosts the impulse to buy. Optimising and emphasising all of a product’s natural and characteristic colours plays an important role in this, because it makes all product groups seem more realistic, better quality and, most importantly, more authentic, when a customer looks at them.

The energy-efficient operation of the lighting system is just as crucial as staging the perfect light show. After all, almost 25% of food retailers’ total energy costs are due to lighting. The fact that LED lights use significantly less energy in comparison with conventional lighting and also have a longer service life should be clear to almost everyone by now. Sin embargo, despite their economical nature, the lights should be used purposefully to avoid a so-called rebound effect.


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Iluminación de panadería: mantener la frescura

If the cream cakes, breads, and other items in the storefront display are exposed to light for an extended period of time, they may lose surface moisture and become stale or even faded. Laidishine LED solution is made to not only dramatically improve the in-store product display, giving the bread more appealing vitality, but also to successfully slow down the light-induced aging process of the bread in the window, extending their shelf life and supporting the consistent growth of sales performance.

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