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About Cold Storage Global Market (3)

Couverture de l'actualité sur l'éclairage LED

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Affected by covid-19, some industries are declining, but the cold storage industry is growing, and the demand for cold storage LED lightings is also increasing. We have 2 kinds of LED lightings for high cold storage and cold room within 4 meters height.

The COVID-19 infection risk prompted a large number of consumers to shun in-store grocery shipping and instead, consider the online channel to get these products directly delivered to their doorsteps. The growth is anticipated to result in construction of 75-100 million square feet of the cold storage space to meet prospective demand. The cold storage space is also benefitting from rising demand for frozen foods, mainly among health-conscious people. Frozen foods have received a major push from various studies that pointed towards the ability of frozen foods to effectively retain nutrients. Consumer uptick in demand for frozen foods, which was further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is poised to result in significant investments in cold storage facilities. Cold storage demand in the pre-pandemic scenario can be primarily contributed to significant popularity of the online channel for grocery shopping along with rising consumption of frozen foods for their nutritional and health-related benefits. The trend is slated to create huge requirement for warehouses capable of storing foods bought online. Continuous changes in shopping behavior of consumers are anticipated to result in gradual shift from traditional trips to grocery stores towards online platform. These trends have led to cold storage construction projects covering 4.5 million square feet of space, which are either completed or are underway.

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