Comment améliorons-nous l’éclairage chez FRESHIPPO

Nous avons résolu avec succès le problème de l'éblouissement et de la réflexion du meuble Freshippo Island.! Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les détails de cette réalisation? Veuillez consulter notre étude de cas pour découvrir comment nous améliorons l'éclairage chez FRESHIPPO..

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The lighting design of the Island cabinet is crucial in today’s retail environment to improve the allure of products and customersshopping experiences. To address the issues raised by the original lighting design, enhance the overall display effect, and increase customer happiness, the case study centers on the lighting system update of the Island cabinets in the FRESHIPPO .


Island cabinet challenges of Freshippo

1. Light Reflection

In the Island cabinet’s original design, the light was positioned behind the price label under the dry shelves, which highlight in red line. The original intention is to made the information easier to see and also illuminated the foods inside of the Island cabinet.

Nonetheless, a distinct reflection phenomenon was formed by the light on the glass surface. This type of reflection significantly impairs the customer’s browsing productivity and generates visual disruption.

Lighting Location 2

2. The issue of glare

Although the horizontal light within the Island cabinets was intended to create a homogeneous lighting environment, it is especially dazzling when consumers stand on the other side of the lamp to make purchases.

This kind of discomfort ruins the atmosphere of comfort in the store and may cause customers to become dissatisfied, which damages the reputation of the business and reduces consumer loyalty.

Lighting Location 3

In order to tackle these obstacles, the Laidishine team suggests the following:

1. Remove the LED lights from the dry shelves.

2. Adjust the installation position of the lights.

3. Use lights in double-type with optical lens design.

There was a lot of work ahead of us with this plan. For instance, we need to design a bracket for this special mounting position, to make the lights fastened properly, which requires a low-cost installation.

The benefits of the lighting reform

1.Eliminate the phenomenon of reflection.

After refitting the light from the dry shelves on the top of the Island cabinets, it is possible to successfully avoid direct reflection of the light onto the glass surface.

2. Improve lighting comfort.

The change in the installation position of the LED lights results in a considerable change in light direction. A light that was previously concentrated on the human eye now hits it more laterally, resulting in less direct irritation. Simultaneously, the new position allows lighting to illuminate the surface of the foods which displayed inside of the cabinets, resulting in a pleasant and comfortable shopping environment and improving the customer’s shopping experience.

Lighting Location 1

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