The Development Of Hainan’s Cold Storage Industry

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Hainan’s existing cold storage capacity is about 1.62 million cubic metersand recently, Hainan Province released the latest plan. During the “14th Five-Year Planperiod, the province will add about 14.45 million cubic meters of cold storage capacity, build 52 cold chain logistics planning projects, and build anational cold chain large warehouse”, and strive to build Hainan into a regional international cold chain logistics center.

At present, Hainan has about 635 cold-chain logistics-related enterprises, mainly agricultural products production and processing enterprises. According to official data, in 2020, Hainan Province transported 424,471 fresh agricultural products out of the island, an increase of 38.0% over 2015; the deadweight is 9.53 million tons, an increase of 24.1% over 2015. It is predicted that in 2025, the total demand of the province’s cold chain logistics market will be about 43.1 million tons, and the output value will be about 978.4 billion yuan.

According to data, the scale of China’s cold chain market will reach RMB 522 billion in 2025. Although cold chain logistics is now huge, its actual performance in China is still in its infancy. In 2019, the total inventory of cold storage warehousing nationwide only accounted for logistics 2.15% of the total storage volume, Hainan is the same.

Par 2025, in accordance with the requirements for the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, the area of Hainan’s cold storage will catch up, and the new international cold chain transit cold storage will be about 8.5 million m³. The total capacity of new cold storages in the province is about 19.13 million m³, and a batch of large-scale, digital and intelligent cold chain logistics facilities will be built to high standards.

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