Illuminazione della panetteria: mantenere la freschezza

Se le torte alla crema, pane, e altri articoli esposti in vetrina sono esposti alla luce per un lungo periodo di tempo, potrebbero perdere umidità superficiale e diventare stantii o addirittura sbiaditi. La soluzione LED Laidishine è realizzata non solo per migliorare notevolmente l'esposizione dei prodotti in negozio, donando al pane una vitalità più accattivante, ma anche rallentare con successo il processo di invecchiamento del pane in vetrina indotto dalla luce, estendendone la durata di conservazione e supportando la crescita costante delle prestazioni di vendita.
illuminazione della vetrina delle torte

The aromas emanating from a cake shop may tempt your senses as you approach, but what usually catches your attention first are the incredibly tempting displays of freshly baked goods and pastries with their exquisite colors. When it comes to the art of the bread display showcase, the visual appeal frequently draws customers in more than the taste preview. People are first attracted by the exquisite appearance, which arouses their desire for delicious food, and then the irresistible aroma slowly permeates their hearts and minds.

Bakery Shop

Behind all of this, lighting design deserves a lot of credit. It is more than just a tool for lighting the bakery display window; it is also a magician who creates ambiance and increases the appeal of products. Products can emanate appealing hues in the display window thanks to clever lighting design and color control. Incorrect illumination can have a considerable impact on bread’s quality and appearance.

Ordinary lighting emits high heatwhich dries out the bread’s surface makes the bread less fresh, and affects sales. Nel frattempo, overheating can hasten the bread’s degradation. Inoltre, an irrational choice of color temperature will negatively impact bread color and reduce customersdesire to purchase. It is recommended to use a warm tone of 3000K to 4000K to ensure that the light is neither too harsh nor too dim, perfectly highlighting the products.

Bakery Lights

Laidishine light: maintain its freshness and vibrancy

Laidishine’s LED lighting solutions exhibit particularly prominent advantages for bakery retailers. We are well aware that the core element to attract customers to stop

By creating a vibrant and attractive visual display. Allo stesso tempo, We are also completely aware of the possible risks associated with lipid oxidation and photooxidation in maintaining the freshness of food. Perciò, the thoughtful lighting scheme created by Laidishine aims to not only greatly improve the way the products are displayed in your store but also give the bread a more appealing vitality. It can also effectively slow down the aging process of the bread caused by light, extending its shelf life, and aiding in the consistent growth of sales performance.

The Leds from Laidishine run at a low voltage of 24V, which directly reduces current and, consequently, the percentage of electricity converted to heat. This minimizes the harm that heat does to food freshness and guarantees that fresh food is best preserved, in addition to saving money and reducing needless power consumption.

Display the actual beauty of food

Laidishine LED lighting solutions can highlight the colors of pastries and breads, enhance color saturation, and restore the bright and true colors of products to the greatest extent, while also reducing the harm of photooxidation and maintaining product freshness.

Retail Display Lighting

Preventing pastry cream from spoilage

Cream cakes are sensitive to light, and overheating and light can react chemically, causing

deterioration and color changes. Laidishine’s lighting solution is as follows: a specially customized light with low heat output and radiation for the custard display or storage cabinet. The wavelength range is selected to prevent sensitive components from being absorbed into the cake spectrum, further minimize the likelihood of a photochemical reaction, and preserve the cream cake’s freshness.

Panetteria francese

Decorating cakes requires vitality

Decorated cakes can become the focus of attracting customers under the illumination of LED lights. In addition to the basic ingredients of eggs, milk, and oil,

they are often decorated with fruits, chocolates, and sugar art for a distinctive flavor and appearance. Because of the decorative cake’s highly intricate composition, its sensitivity to light will be significantly enhanced. Utilizing optical lens technology, Laidishine’s illumination operates in low-pressure settings, lowering the possibility of food oxidation and increasing shelf life.

Cake Display Showcase Lighting
Cake Display Showcase Lighting

Choose Laidishine for Your Bakery

As a pioneer in LED research, development, and manufacturing, Laidishine created the shelf lamp and refrigerator light that dominated the industry and are now being copied and studied by many other companies. This is a credible endorsement of

Laidishine’s brand power and standing in the market, in addition to being a high recognition of the caliber of our products. Select Laidishine to ensure the success of your bakery.


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Applicazione di illuminazione del display refrigerata di Spu VC 1

I frigoriferi del minimarket dovrebbero essere spenti di notte?

I frigoriferi servono da “Guardiani di freschezza” Nei minimarket, supermercati, negozi di alimenti freschi, e altre impostazioni simili. Tuttavia, Il dilemma tra elevati costi di elettricità e garantire la qualità del prodotto ha sempre avuto operatori turbato. Come superare il “ansia di potenza”? Abbiamo condotto analisi approfondite di vari scenari con l'obiettivo di proporre strategie ottimali che non solo risparmiano energia, ma mantengono anche la qualità refrigerata dei prodotti.

Fattori per le vendite di gelato

Fattori che influenzano la vendita del gelato

Molti distributori e commercianti finali sono consapevoli che il segreto per rispettare le normative di vendita e aumentare notevolmente le vendite è una presentazione efficace dell'inventario. Tuttavia, l'attenzione dei clienti si sta spostando nell'attuale situazione del mercato. Creare un'esperienza di acquisto unica è particolarmente cruciale in questa lotta senza polvere da sparo per attirare e fidelizzare i clienti. E poiché la lampada del congelatore è la componente centrale di questa ambientazione, il suo significato è ovvio. Ottimizzazione dell'ambiente di illuminazione, in particolare il design dell'illuminazione del frigorifero, è emerso come un nuovo campo di battaglia per aumentare l’attrattiva del prodotto e favorire la trasformazione delle vendite.

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