Le luci a LED possono davvero aumentare le vendite al dettaglio??

Le luci a LED possono davvero aumentare le vendite al dettaglio?? SÌ, questa è la risposta. Questo articolo prende Walmart come esempio per illustrare il ruolo delle luci a LED nella promozione delle vendite al dettaglio
Lampada da esposizione refrigerata Walmart

Le luci a LED possono davvero aumentare le vendite al dettaglio?? SÌ, questa è la risposta.

Share the case of our client, Walmart. According to one of the Walmart store managers in Shenzhen, Cina, upgrading to LED lights resulted in a more than 20% increase in sales. It is crucial to remember that this growth is directly tied to the enhancement of the shopping experience for customers and is not only the result of cost savings from lower energy consumption.

The visual experience, which serves as the customer’s initial stimulant when confronted with a stunning assortment of shelves, draws in customers and encourages them to part with their cash for the merchandise. Even with high-quality products, it is hard to stand out visually and get clients to pause if you don’t have the right LED illumination. Così, it is evident from this dimension that using the right LED lighting to increase retail sales has a beneficial impact.

Commercial Lighting For Supermarket

What impact will the new LEDs have on Walmart’s sales?

1. Create a comfortable environment to extend the duration of patronage

Dim lighting deters people from entering the refrigerator’s display area, which used to be like a forgotten nook. Tuttavia, since we completely renovated the freezer atmosphere with luminous and tasteful LED lighting, the space has been revitalized. In order for each item to display its best state against the light, we not only increased the brightness but also carefully chose the color temperature based on the color of the product packaging. This way, the product and the light have a perfect fusion and complement one another. In addition to drawing customers’ Attenzione, this modification made the store feel cozy and welcoming, significantly increased the amount of time that consumers spent in front of the refrigerator, and increased sales.

Prima & Dopo la vetrina verticale con porta in vetro a Walmart
Prima & Dopo la vetrina verticale con porta in vetro a Walmart

2. Make products more appealing by enhancing the impact of color presentation.

Upgrades to LED lighting work especially well in areas with lots of color, like fruit shelves. Following the lighting improvement, the original, unremarkable apple with charm simply picked off the branches, creating a feeling of freshness and deliciousness. In addition to improving how products are displayed, this visual stimulation also subtly raises consumer confidence and expectations for product quality, which helps to change sales.

Shelf Light For Fruit

3. The uniform lighting impact improves the pleasure of shopping.

Unified lighting to provide a welcoming retail experience and to improve the overall appearance of the space. Every angle of the cabinet can now be illuminated thanks to the improved lighting, which saves consumers time searching for the goods, keeps them satisfied, and increases the likelihood that they

A comfortable shopping environment

4. Conserve and reduce the cost of power while protecting the environment and energy.

All of the 24V low-voltage lamps utilized in the solutions that Laidishine supplied to Walmart were 35% more energy efficient than T8 bulbs at the same power. The cost of operation has been significantly reduced.

SPU H VS T8 Lighting Effect 02

Lighting can contribute to the creation of a distinctive, welcoming, or enjoyable ambiance that draws in potential clients. In the aforementioned instance, LED lighting significantly increased sales in addition to enhancing the shopping experience at Walmart stores. LED lighting in retail sales has a significant impact from this latitude.


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