Cleanliness of the surface of the LED strip light

Look at the cleanliness of the surface of the LED strip
LED Strip Light-Blog Cover

Look at the cleanliness of the surface of the LED strip. If the LED light strip produced by SMT process is used,strip light the cleanliness of the surface is very good, and no impurities and stains can be seen. Tuttavia,strip light if the counterfeit LED light strip is produced by hand soldering process, no matter how the surface is cleaned,strip light there will be stains and cleaning traces, and there will be flux and tin dross on the surface of the FPC. Look at the packaging. Regular LED light strips will be packaged in anti-static coils,strip light usually 5 meters per roll or 10 meters per roll,strip light and then sealed with anti-static and moisture-proof packaging bags on the outside. The counterfeit version of the LED light belt is cost-saving,strip light and uses recycled reels,strip light without anti-static and moisture-proof packaging bags. If you look carefully at the reel, you can see that there are marks and scratches left by the removal of the label.

Look at the label. The regular LED light belt packaging bag and reel will have printed labels instead of printed labels. The copy of the label is printed,strip light and the specifications and parameters are not uniform. see Attachment. The regular LED light strips will be enclosed in the box with instructions for use and light strip specifications,strip light and will also be equipped with LED light strip connectors or card holders;strip light while the cottage version of the LED light strip packaging box does not have these accessories,strip light because some manufacturers After all, it can save everything.


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