Laidishine al Chinashop 2024 – Tutto sugli Espositori Refrigerati Commerciali & Espositori per la vendita al dettaglio


Shanghai è diventata il centro dell'innovazione nel commercio al dettaglio dal 13 al 15 marzo, 2024, quando i dirigenti aziendali, visionari, e innovatori si sono riuniti per China Shop 2024. Come partecipante, Laidishine stood out among the vibrant displays of cutting-edge trends and technology, captivating audiences with our unique LED lighting for retail spaces that reimagine the retail experience and commercial refrigerated exhibitions.

Laidishine’s commitment to quality in commercial refrigerated exhibits set them apart from other exhibitors at China Shop 2024. We displayed two distinct showcases, each of which was an excellent representation of Laidishine’s core values of innovation, excellence, and client care. Participants left feeling fulfilled, setting the stage for more joint ventures and partnerships.

1. Opened Showcase: Illuminazione del baldacchino E SPU Series Under shelf Lighting

Laidishine Refrigerated Showcase Lighting Canopy Under Shelf

Laidishine’s opened-showcase LED lighting demonstrated the company’s commitment to providing exceptional lighting solutions. Visitors were treated to a show of canopy lighting with a high Colour Rendering Index (CRI), ensuring that objects were displayed in their natural colors with extraordinary brightness and clarity.

Inoltre, Laidishine’s under-shelf lighting SPU series took center stage, showcasing the company’s capacity to supply accurate and practical lighting solutions for retail environments.

2. SPU Vertical Series for Vertical Door Showcases

LAIDISHINE Refrigerated Display Lighting Vertical Door Light 1

Laidishine presented its SPU vertical series, a line of refrigerated displays illumination intended to give uniform lighting to the surface of every item shown on the shelves, in the field of vertical door showcases. Utilizing optical lens technology, appropriate beam angles can be created for the intended uses.

Ad esempio, lighting at the left and right side corners needs to face toward the center, requiring a lighting angle of about 90 degrees. Additionally, if the lighting is at 180-degree angles in the central entrance pillars, it should be ideal. Laidishine used a specially made optical lens to achieve lighting at both 90 E 180 degrees.

3. Dry shelves lighting: SNK series

Laidishine Shelf Lighting SNK 1

For any retail establishment, good lighting is essential. It may produce a cosy and welcoming ambiance that entices clients to remain longer and make purchases. Additionally, lighting has an impact on customersmoods, which can have an impact on their choice of purchases and level of pleasure with the whole shopping experience.

Our magnetic, linkable, and high brightness shelf lights SNK series are the ideal addition to product portfolio, designed to illuminate retail environments with unparalleled efficiency. Transform store shelves, displays, and merchandise showcases into captivating visual experiences that leave a lasting impact on clients.

4. Retail Ceiling Lighting: TRD Series

Laidishine Ceiling Light TRD 1

With TRD ceiling lighting, can use a single track rail to accommodate a variety of track lights and design it with different shapes, providing flexibility and customization options to suit specific needs. Whether highlighting merchandise, creating ambiance, or enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the retail space, TRD ceiling lighting delivers perfect performance and style.

As China Shop 2024 drew to a close, Laidishine left a lasting impression on attendees and industry professionals alike. Looking ahead, Laidishine remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation, empowering manufacturers and retailers with the latest LED lighting solutions.

Stay tuned for more developments from Laidishine. See you at Chinashop 2025 in Shenzhen

Laidishine Team
Laidishine Team


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