Laidishine ha aiutato un supermercato a costruire il primo 3.0 negozio in Cina

Laidishine ha aiutato un supermercato a costruire il primo 3.0 negozio in Cina. Dal congelatore verticale alla vetrina refrigerata, poi al mobile isola e al mobile di servizio, ogni mobile è dotato di un sistema di illuminazione LED dedicato ad alta definizione, indice di resa cromatica ≥90, luminoso morbido, e non abbagliante, per garantire il vero ripristino dei beni colore, i clienti fanno acquisti rilassati e felici, goditi un buon giro di shopping.
Luce LED per mobile isola

The first SP@CE store in China, Tianhong Supermarket 3.0, opened on September 6 in Shenzhen. The superior lighting solution from Laidishine has aided Tianhong supermarket in building a brand-new retail format. Within the 1000 square meter fresh food area, the customized lighting design by Laidishine has created a high-quality living experience space. Dal congelatore verticale alla vetrina refrigerata, poi al mobile isola e al mobile di servizio, ogni mobile è dotato di un sistema di illuminazione LED dedicato ad alta definizione, indice di resa cromatica ≥90, luminoso morbido, e non abbagliante, per garantire il vero ripristino dei beni colore, i clienti fanno acquisti rilassati e felici, goditi un buon giro di shopping.

LED Solutions For Supermarket

Excellent performance of Laidishine lighting

  • The low-voltage operation ensures lower energy consumption, significantly reducing costs.
  • The latest lens technology guarantees uniform light efficiency and precise control over light distribution, minimizing light spots and glare
  • Advanced heat dissipation materials and structural design effectively reduce heat generation, thereby prolonging the fixtureslifetime.
  • The SNK series also supports multi-level series connection for flexible usage
  • The fixtures installed on the island cabinet and service counters can be well concealed, eliminating any potential for glare issue

Lighting for the multi-deck showcase opened

The multi-deck showcase opened is customized shelf light and top light. The SPU series is selected as shelf light due to its unique optical lens technology, which ensures Uniformly illuminated products. Nel frattempo, the top lighting adopts our CNP series, not only illuminating the top but also enhancing the front of shelves, achieving a bright and atmospheric ambiance.

The purpose of this lighting solution is twofold: Firstly, the SPU shelf lighting highlights product details through its even illumination. Secondly, the CNP top lighting creates an overall bright and well-layered sense of space. By adjusting the angles and positions of the lights, visual focal points are created, guiding customerseye movements.

Multi Deck Showcase Opened

Lighting for Vertical Multi-deck Showcase

The pain point of multi-deck showcase lighting is that each door in the middle of the position has insufficient lighting, uneven lighting distribution, and an evident bright and dark contrast. Our SPU series successfully solves this problem by using the special light-effect lens to equally illuminate the surface of goods and improve the shopping experience of consumers. Inoltre, the client aims to create a delightful and visually appealing merchandising environment. We have thoroughly analyzed the client’s requirements and tailored different color temperatures for various products, enhancing their color saturation and simultaneously fostering a clean, crisp, and luminous lighting ambiance.

Multi Deck Showcase

Lighting for Service-over Counter/Island cabinet

The lighting design for service cabinets and island cabinets is also the most difficult because the surface is made of glass. If the lamp is installed under the armrest according to the traditional installation plan, there is a risk of glare and reflection of the glass surface. So we created a bold design that deviated from the typical installation method, with the lamp set on top of the measuring. Our SNK series can only be a multi-root series, which ensures low power consumption and stable optical efficiency.

Service Over Counter

The debut of Tianhong Supermarket 3.0 represents not only an innovation to the traditional retail model but also an exploration and practice of future quality living spaces. With the support of the Ledysun supermarket lighting solution, Tianhong Supermarket is now leading a new trend in the retail industry with its brand-new appearance, creating more delightful shopping experiences for customers.

For more case studies, please contact us


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Ceiling Light For Supermarket

Supermarket’s ceiling lighting solutions

Grid lights, panel lights, tube lights, and line lights, among others, are commonly used in large-scale supermarket ceiling lighting designs. Each light has its own distinct lighting

Luce Led Per Vetrina Multipiano Oped

Tubo T8: Dalla fluorescenza al percorso di innovazione dei LED

Nella lunga storia dell'illuminotecnica, il tubo fluorescente T8 era una stella splendente nel campo dell'illuminazione dei frigoriferi. Di 2017, aveva guadagnato un'attenzione diffusa per il suo aspetto luminoso distintivo e le prestazioni generalmente costanti. Tuttavia, con il rapido progresso della tecnologia di illuminazione a LED, la posizione di mercato del tubo fluorescente T8 è stata messa in discussione. Questo articolo esaminerà l'evoluzione delle luci T8, introdurre diversi tipi di lampade T8, ed evidenziare l’invenzione di Laidishine nel contesto della divulgazione della tecnologia LED.

Luci per vetrina espositiva di carne

Illuminazione vetrina carne

Il quaranta per cento dei clienti esprime giudizi sulla carne in base al colore, secondo il sondaggio. Senza dubbio, questa ricerca evidenzia quanto l'aspetto sia cruciale per aumentare le vendite. L'importanza dell'illuminazione dell'esposizione del frigorifero in questo contesto è ovvia poiché è una componente essenziale per migliorare l'effetto espositivo degli articoli. Questo articolo discuterà l'effetto delle lampade delle vetrine sulla carne e come selezionare le lampade per carne

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