L'illuminazione a LED Laidishine migliora le vetrine refrigerate Walmart


Siamo entusiasti di annunciare l'ultima collaborazione di Laidishine con Walmart, dove abbiamo aggiornato con successo i sistemi di illuminazione delle loro vetrine refrigerate. This project showcases how our advanced LED lighting solutions can transform commercial refrigeration, ensuring an optimal balance between product presentation, efficienza energetica, and customer experience.

Project Overview:

Walmart recently approached us to enhance the lighting in several types of refrigerated display cases, including multi-deck showcases, vertical frozen showcases, and island showcases. The goal was to replace their older lighting systems with our high-efficiency Laidishine LED tubes, designed specifically for commercial refrigeration applications.

Transforming Multi-Deck Showcases:

In the multi-deck showcases, we replaced the old fluorescent tubes with our state-of-the-art LED lights, specifically the SPU-H model. This upgrade not only provided a significant boost in brightness but also included an overhaul of the wiring harness. The result? A tidy and visually appealing installation that enhances the overall look of the displays. Customers can now easily see and appreciate the variety of products available, leading to a more inviting shopping experience.

Prima & After Walmart 2735 (1)
Prima & After Walmart Multi-Deck Showcases

Enhancing Vertical Frozen Showcases:

For Walmart’s vertical frozen showcases, we applied our optical lens technology to ensure even and vivid illumination. This innovation means that the glass doors are now free from dark zones in the middle, providing consistent lighting across the entire display. Customers can clearly see frozen items, making them more appealing and accessible, which is crucial for impulse purchases in the frozen food section.

Prima & After Walmart 2735
Prima & After Walmart Vertical Frozen Showcase

Illuminating Island Showcases:

One of the standout features of this project was the transformation of the island showcases, which originally lacked any lighting. We introduced LED lighting using a magnetic installation method, allowing for easy integration without major structural changes. This addition enhances visibility and makes the products displayed in these showcases much more attractive to shoppers, encouraging them to explore and purchase.

Illuminazione Laidishine per esposizione refrigerata
Illuminazione Laidishine per esposizione refrigerata

Key Features of Laidishine’s Lighting Solution:

  • Brilliant Illumination: Our LED lighting brings out the vibrant, true colors of the products, ensuring a bright and appealing display for customers. The improved visibility makes products stand out, helping shoppers make quicker, more informed choices.
  • High CRI for Product Appeal: With a Color Rendering Index (CRI) of over 90, the lighting accurately showcases the natural colors of food, from fresh produce to frozen goods. This plays a vital role in creating a fresh, appetizing look that enhances the overall shopping experience.
  • Efficienza energetica: Our LED solutions significantly reduce energy consumption compared to traditional lighting. This not only aligns with Walmart’s sustainability goals but also helps lower its operating costs.
  • Uniform and Targeted Lighting: The multi-deck, vertical frozen, and island showcases all benefit from our tailored lighting systems. Each light placement was strategically planned to ensure even illumination, reducing shadows and creating a consistent presentation across all product types.
Illuminazione Laidishine per esposizione refrigerata (1)
Illuminazione Laidishine per esposizione refrigerata (1)

The Result:

By integrating Laidishine’s LED lighting solutions, Walmart has successfully upgraded the presentation of their refrigerated products while significantly improving energy efficiency. The end result? A more engaging, customer-friendly shopping experience, with a clear focus on product visibility and sustainability.


Partnering for the Future:

We’re proud to have partnered with Walmart on this project and look forward to working with other retailers and manufacturers to deliver tailored, energy-efficient lighting solutions. Whether you’re looking to upgrade existing showcases or incorporate lighting into new designs, Laidishine is here to help you shine.

For more information or to discuss how Laidishine can transform your commercial refrigerated displays, feel free to reach out! Click the message button and talk to our engineers directly!


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Nella lunga storia dell'illuminotecnica, il tubo fluorescente T8 era una stella splendente nel campo dell'illuminazione dei frigoriferi. Di 2017, aveva guadagnato un'attenzione diffusa per il suo aspetto luminoso distintivo e le prestazioni generalmente costanti. Tuttavia, con il rapido progresso della tecnologia di illuminazione a LED, la posizione di mercato del tubo fluorescente T8 è stata messa in discussione. Questo articolo esaminerà l'evoluzione delle luci T8, introdurre diversi tipi di lampade T8, ed evidenziare l’invenzione di Laidishine nel contesto della divulgazione della tecnologia LED.

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