Active LED Lighting Introduces Fully Integrated Solar Light

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ActiveLED, a manufacturer of performance LED lighting luminaries, controls and components, announced the TWL-Solar Series, a line of industry-grade solar LED lighting solutions. The integrated design of the solar series makes off-grid lighting accessible to all those seeking to be independent of electricity.

In the series is the TWL-IS (Trail-Walkway LED with Integrated Solar), a solar ready light built on a high-power LED fixture with a fully integrated solar charger, LED driver, solar panel and battery perfectly engineered to illuminate areas where power is not accessible or desired. Inoltre, the large battery banks and ability to scale the solar panel allows the TWL-IS to run reliably during cloudy or inclement weather days.

Made in the USA at the Texas manufacturing facility, the 18-watt fixture incorporates ActiveLED’s LumINTENSE, a patented illumination technology capable of delivering more lumens per watt. In conjunction with ActiveLED’s other patents, TWL-IS uses energy more efficiently than competing lighting and has a motion-sensor option that provides additional energy savings and increases the lifetime of the product. This light is ideal for a myriad of applications such as outdoor parking lots, minor roadways, trails, residential and other pedestrian areas.

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