Carrier Launches New Energy Efficient Versatile EasyCube Solution

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We supply LED lightings for commercial refrigeration to Qingdao Haier Carrier over ten years and is the global golden supplier of Carrier group. We are glad that the LED lightings from our company work well in the commercial refrigeration produced by Carrier. Today we’d like to share a news about Carrier group.

Carrier Commercial Refrigeration is launching a new EasyCube highly energy efficient plug-in island cabinet with the versatility to switch between chilled or frozen refrigeration and offering outstanding product visibility.

“Carrier is constantly offering retailers refrigerated solutions that achieve the right balance between attractive design, leading energy efficiency and the flexibility to carry out a range of operations in store,” said Loris Basso, Program Director, Carrier Commercial Refrigeration. “This switchable EasyCube delivers exceptional performance on several criteria, making it an ideal fit for practically any store format, offering customers a very versatile solution.”

This EasyCube’s ultra-slim superstructure elements, ergonomic transparent design, easy-open sliding lids and small condensing unit delivers a lightweight look that delivers the power to chill and freeze perishable commodities.

Launching with a 1.5-meter length, the switchable EasyCube design delivers optimum product visibility, with easy access for consumers.

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