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China’s Top 10 Chain Stores

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Sales of China’s top 100 chain stores reached 2.4 trillion yuan ($375.36 billion) in 2020, according to the China Chain Store and Franchise Association.

Suning, with total sales of 416.32 billion yuan, took the top spot. Gome came in second place, followed by Red Star Macalline and Yonghui Supermarket.

The COVID-19 outbreak drove more consumers to shop online, the association said. In 2020, online sales of China’s top 100 chain stores rose 12 percent to 560 billion yuan, accounting for 23.3 percent of the total.

Let’s see China’s top 10 chain stores for 2020.

  1. WuMart
  2. Easyhome store
  3. Easy Joy
  4. Walmart
  5. CR Vanguard’s booth
  6. Auchan convenience store
  7. Yonghui Supermarket
  8. Red Star Macalline
  9. Gome’s booth
  10. Suning Store


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