Chinese And Russian Experts Developed A New Type Of LED

A New Type Of LED-News Cover

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According to Russian media, Chinese and Russian scholars have developed light-emitting diodes (LED) with the longest service life.

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, scholars from Ural Federal University, Soochow University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and East China Normal University are committed to developing a new type of LED. An article summarizing the content and research results was published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.

According to reports, this time experts have developed a red light-emitting perovskite LED (PeLED) architecture, which can minimize the loss of light energy and greatly increase the efficiency and life span of the LED.

According to the news: “Scholars have confirmed through experiments that the brightness of this LED is almost 2.5 times that of similar products, and the running time is 1.75 times that of similar products. They can be used in lighting fixtures, TV monitors, computers, tablets, smart phones and Other electronic equipment.

Prior to this, the Ural-China research team has developed a new type of high-efficiency PeLED with sky blue luminescence.

We are professional LED lightings for cooled food and shelf manufacture, so LED is the most important material to us. We are looking forward the development of LED technology.

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