Approfondimenti sul mercato globale delle luci ospedaliere 2028 (2)

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Due to robust healthcare infrastructure, Western European countriessuch as Germany, France, Russia, and the UKhave witnessed a comparatively moderate decline in their production activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The imbalance between the demand and supply sides during the lockdown phase in several European countries slightly limited the hospital light market growth in 2020 E 2021. Tuttavia, government funding allocated for healthcare was redirected to frontline NHS issues, such as PPE availability and staffing, which resulted in low funds availability for the creation of new health and social care estate.

Tuttavia, with the mitigation of the COVID-19 infection rate in late 2021, investments in hospitals infrastructure development and renovation have increased, which is likely to support the hospital lighting market growth. Ad esempio, in 2021, governments in European countries announced Euro 3.7 billion to build 40 hospitals by 2030. In 2021, England built temporary hospitals to help cope with rising COVID-19 cases. In the third quarter of 2021, the redevelopment of Hospitacite Hospital Complex was started and the development of various hospital such as Lorrach Central Hospital campus, Galliera Hospital, and others is expected to drive the demand of hospital lights and eventually positively influence the hospital lights market growth.

The hospital lights market is segmented based on product type, tecnologia, application, and geography. Based on product type, the market is segmented into troffer, surface-mounted lights, surgical lamps, and others. By technology, the hospital lights market is segmented into fluorescent technology, LED technology, and others. By application, the hospital lights market is segmented into patient wards and ICUs, surgical suites, examination rooms, and others. Based on geography, the hospital lights market is primarily segmented into North America, Europa, Asia Pacific (APAC), the Middle East & Africa (MEA), and South and Central America.

Our LED lightings, which is waterproof and low temperature resistance, suitable for shelves or freezer, refrigerated display cabinets, can used in hospital, too.

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