LED Lighting Are Expanded in Vehicle And Refrigeration Industries

LED Lighting for shop-News Cover

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JIT Truck Parts announced the addition of Peterson Manufacturing’s commercial vehicle and trailer LED lighting.

Peterson offers the industry exterior, interior and work light LED lighting technology, providing a brighter, safer work environment.

The light-emitting diode (GUIDATO) lights are vibration resistant with a low current-draw, boasting a longer life then the traditional halogen and incandescent lights.

These high-quality LED lights offer drivers better visibility with less glare, which improves object recognition at night for drivers and reduces eye strain. Inoltre, LED lights are easy to install on large commercial vehicles and their long life reduces the cost of replacing lights over time, according to an announcement.

Because of the feature of LED lights- low energy, low heat, low cost and long lifespan, besides the vehicle industry like said above, the LED lightings for commercial refrigeration are also used more and more. If you are trouble for the fluorescent lighting generating too much heat in your refrigerated display cases, or the refrigerationsystem bearing too much burden to balance the heats, or feel it is hassle to retrofit a new lighting system, please feel free to contact us and let’s help you with lighting solutions.

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