LED Lighting Output Value To Reach US$11.1 Billion By 2026, Says TrendForce

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According to TrendForce’s “Global LED Industry Data Base and LED Player Movement Quarterly Update” report, demand for high-standard LED products in the lighting market will enter a growth stage. Generally speaking, the price of lighting LED products is stable. Tuttavia, due to the recent rise in global raw material prices, the unit price of products looks to trend higher. Coupled with high demand for energy conservation from governments around the world, the output value of the lighting LED market in 2022 is forecast to have an opportunity to reach US$8.11 billion, or 9.2% growth YoY. In the next few years, the scale of the lighting LED market will continue growing due to the promotion of human centric lighting (HCL), smart lighting, and other factors and is expected to reach US$11.1 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) Di 8.4% from 2021 A 2026.

Our company, Laidishine is also work hard for human centric lighting, hope the LED lightings for refrigerated display cases and shelves, coldrooms, high bay from our company lower the cost of operate, and increase the performance, bring a lot of convenience for people.

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