LED Upgrade Program Cuts Energy Cost Up To 80%

Applicazione per l'illuminazione a LED - Copertina delle notizie

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Commercial buildings in California served by Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric or San Diego Gas & Electric can now receive LED lights to replace inefficient lighting with no cash outlay, through an initiative from the Alliance for Energy Efficiency.

Replacing older-generation lighting with energy-efficient LEDs delivers energy savings of up to 80%.

The LEDs used in this program have warrantees of up to 10 years and rated lifespans of up to 100,000 ore, which is up to 10 times longer than traditional lighting. This long life of LEDs virtually eliminates lighting maintenance cost and demands on staff for many years.

LED is a highly energy-efficient lighting technology, and has the potential to fundamentally change the future of lighting. LEDs use at least 75% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting.

Our products, the LED lightings for commercial refrigerated display case and retail shelves, can save energy like the project talked above. And in fact we usually support our customers replacing original lightings with our LED lightings. If you have need to purchase LED lightings or retrofit, please feel free to contact us, we can help you with LED lighting solutions.

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Ieri, Abbiamo condotto una formazione di saldatura leggera a LED per tutto il team tecnico e i partner di produzione, mirando a migliorare le capacità di tutto il personale e garantire

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