Replace Project With LED Lightings

Replace Project With LED Lightings-News Cover

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Dallas city leaders Tuesday discussed turning up the lights in a big way with a massive switch to LED streetlights.

Of nearly 95,000 streetlights in Dallas, just over one in 10 are LED lights now.

Electric provider Oncor owns and maintains 72,000 of the lights and less than one in 20 of the Oncor lights are LED.

Oncor replaces dimmer orange or white mercury vapor lights with LEDs when streetlights burn out.

As known, LED lightings use much less energy than fluorescent bulbs, but much brighter. LED tubes do not contain dangerous mercury, with LED lights you do not have to worry about a bulb breaking. And LED lightings have a long lifespan of over 30,000 hours or 50,000 hours and more.

So replacing streetlights with LED lights has many benefits.

And among our customers, there are some cases of replacing fluorescent tubes with our LED lightings in the commercial refrigeration system. After the reforming project, we can obviously see the different effect of brightness in the refrigerated display cabinets, and further on invisibility save a lot of cost.

So if you are looking for energy-efficient LED lighting instead of the lights used now, please feel free to contact us.

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