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Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Replaces More Than 20,000 Conventional Lighting Fixtures With LEDs

Copertina delle notizie sull'illuminazione a LED

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In order to reduce electricity consumption and create an energy-saving environment and a low-carbon environment, Taiwan Taoyuan Airport, finished theLighting and Equipment Improvement Projects in Terminals 1 and 2during the Covid-19 period to replace more than 20,000 lighting fixtures inside and outside the terminal with LED lights. After the update, the airport lighting is estimated to be reduced by 387 per year. It consumes more than 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, saves 11.63 million NT yuan in electricity bills, and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 2.41 million kg, which is equivalent to the adsorption capacity of 200,000 green trees.

The airport company pointed out that the airport operates 24 hours a day, and the lighting load accounts for 15% of the overall power consumption of the airport. The updated LED has the advantages of energy saving and power saving, good color rendering, uniform illumination and environmental protection and no mercury. The life of the LED lightings can reach 50,000 ore, which is 2.5 times to 10 times the life of the old lamps, and the lighting time can reach 5 anni, which simultaneously reduces the manpower and maintenance costs required for lamp replacement and maintenance, and is environmentally friendly and economical.

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