The 27th China International Lighting Fair Opened

Modern Supermarket Shelf Lighting-News Cover

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On October 22, the 27th China International Lighting Fair (Zhongshan Ancient Town) (hereinafter referred to asGuzhen Light Fair”) opened at the Convention and Exhibition Center of Zhongshan City where called the light capital. From October 22nd to 26th, with the innovative model ofexhibition store linkage, online and offline integration exhibition”, a total of 3,300 high-quality enterprises in the eight venues of the Guzhen Lighting Fair will build an industry event with an exhibition area of over 1.5 million square meters.

The main venue concentrated on display of 764 new products and explosives from 764 companies including indoor decorative lights, smart home lighting, home lighting, commercial lighting, outdoor lighting, special lamps, mechanical equipment, lighting accessories, smart homes, hardware doors and windows, kitchens and bathrooms, etc. The products cover upstream and downstream of the lighting business chain, and cross-border extension of the industrial chain.

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