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The Global Cold Chain Equipment Market (3)

Applicazione per l'illuminazione a LED - Copertina delle notizie

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Cold Chain Equipment Market: Overview

Vaccines, specialty chemicals, and medicines are to be stored & transported at a specific temperature for retaining their features and cold chain equipment serves this purpose. Inoltre, cold chain equipment includes ice-packs, refrigerators, vaccine carriers, foam pads, bio-tech items, insulin, and cold boxes. Escalating demand for frozen diet across world has resulted in huge need for cold chain equipment in recent years. Furthermore, cold chain equipment is a key component of immunization supply chain in healthcare sector. Reportedly, cold chain equipment such as freezers, cold rooms, vaccine carriers, cold boxes, and refrigerators are expected to comply with performance protocols set by World Health Organization.

As the demand for frozen food continues to increase, the demand for waterproof and low temperature resistant LED lights will also increase. If you are commercial refrigeration manufacture, or in supermarket/ convenience store, or refrigeration service provider, retail store/ restaurant, cold chain industry, please feel free to inquiry us for lighting solutions.

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