The Supermarket Of The Future

Applicazione per l'illuminazione a LED - Copertina delle notizie

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From the website of, we see a news like this:

Danfoss hosted the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of one of the world’s most energy-efficient supermarkets.

The Smart Store supermarket will be filled with the latest and most energy-efficient refrigeration and heating technology.

Instead of allowing the heat produced by cooling cabinets and freezers to go to waste, it will be captured and reused to provide heating for the supermarket and the local community through district energy. The cooling system in the new supermarket will also run on carbon dioxidea natural refrigerantwhich helps to reduce the overall climate impact.

Kristian Strand, President, Refrigeration & A/C Controls, Danfoss Climate Solutions says:

“This ground-breakinga much awaited event – is more important than ever. The origins of this project go back a long time, but the new energy-efficient Smart Store supermarket that we are starting to build today has only grown in relevance. The goal of the project is to show how easy and profitable it is to decarbonize our economy and ensure reliable and sustainable energy use. Heating and cooling are the largest energy consumers in supermarkets. The solutions we are building here today represent the core of Danfoss solutions and will showcase how we can approach zero energy use in food retail together.”

The state-of-the-art supermarket is situated right next to Danfoss’ headquarters and will lead the way for how supermarket chains around the world can build climate-friendly and sustainable stores with the technologies that already exist today. The supermarket will be completed in the summer of 2023.

Energy-efficient is an important topic in today’s world. We are so glad to see the news like above. Our LED lightings are used in the refrigerated display cabinets, freezers and cold rooms, scaffali, and these LED tubes are low power output to save energy. If you are looking for energy-efficient LED lightings for commercial refrigeration system, please feel free to contact us.

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