Yellowblue LED Lighting Receives Top Incentive Award From Alliant Energy

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Yellowblue LED, the commercial LED lighting company of Eco Technologies International has received the Alliant Energy Small Business Energy Solutions Award for providing the most incentives in 2021.

Alliant Energy offers rebates for LED lighting usage to help small businesses save money and energy.

Out of 60 companies and over 100 users, Yellowblue LED processed 65 non-residential rebates totaling $195,501.00 and saved 1,494,990.32 kilowatts per hour in 2021.

Separate from their standardPrescriptiveRebate Program, the Alliant Energy Small Business Energy Solutions Program is exclusively for small businesses with an Alliant Energy business electric account that have a facility no larger than 50,000 square feet and an annual electric bill that does not exceed a total of $100,000.

From this news, you can see LED lighting is a highly energy-efficient lighting and can lower cost. We produced LED lightings for refrigerated display cases, freezers, cold room, and for retail shelves. If you are looking for LED lights for them, please feel free to contact us, we can offer samples, and please have a try.

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