Supermarket’s ceiling lighting solutions

Ceiling Light For Supermarket

Grid lights, panel lights, tube lights, and line lights, among others, are commonly used in large-scale supermarket ceiling lighting designs. Each light has its own distinct lighting effect and scenario.

Grid lighting: It’s a common style of office lighting because of its consistent, quiet light properties. Tuttavia, it creates an atmosphere that is too rigid and quiet when employed in a supermarket.

Grid Lighting

Downlight/rail spotlights: When used as the primary lighting, downlights, and rail spotlights provide a high-end, professional environment. Tuttavia, this type of illumination may give the buyer the impression that they are in an exclusive store, which contrasts with the supermarket’s pleasant image.

Rail Spotlights

Line lights: Line lamps have gained widespread acceptance in the market due to their low cost and ease of installation. When we searched forSupermarket lightingonline, the majority of the display results showed linear lighting. When the linear lamp is utilized as the primary lighting source, there is no need to open the lamp position on the ceiling or set up the track, lowering both the pre-decoration expense and the post-maintenance difficulty. Tuttavia, it should be noted that, in order to highlight the supermarket island cabinets, shelves, and stacking head of the key illumination, a separate refrigerator lamp and shelf lamp are still required.

Liner Light

In practice, the most frequent lighting situation for supermarkets is a combination of downlights and linear lamps. Linear lighting is employed as the primary lighting source to generate an overall lighting impression; downlights are used to illuminate critical areas and create visual focus. This lighting setting is great, but it takes more time and effort to choose lights, build structures, and coordinate activities.

To address this issue, we implemented an integrated supermarket lighting system. This is by far the most complete and appropriate supermarket scene lighting requirement for the lighting system. Let’s look at this product, the TRD series.

Integrated supermarket lighting system advantages

Light features, optical qualities, and appearance to achieve an integrated application are characterized as three aspects: beautiful, compatible, and flexible.

Gorgeous appearance

Most buyers consider looks when purchasing lights; if the design of lamps and lanterns is not appealing, it will be difficult to compete in the market.

OUR TRD series is a lamp, circuit, and track integrated design that improves the overall appearance of the lighting system. The track seamless link, which forms a continuous uniform light belt, improves the supermarket’s overall visual appearance.


The cable is built-in and tracked, the wiring does not leak, minimalism performs incisively and vividly, E, most importantly, it is easy to construct, eliminating the need for additional line connection bulbs.


This lighting system is suitable for a wide range of supermarket lighting scenes. Whether it is shelf lighting, it incorporates bat wing lighting technology, large angle lighting capability, and an accurate polarized wall washing function to ensure that every part of the supermarket has the desired lighting effect. Even better, the system is very compatible with rail spotlights, intelligent control systems, and a wide range of other lighting, allowing it to flexibly adjust to the needs of individual supermarket areas without incurring expensive installation expenses. This remarkable compatibility not only simplifies the process of selecting and matching lighting equipment but also eliminates the need for time-consuming communication and coordination with various vendors; instead, a single firm can provide a comprehensive variety of integrated lighting solutions.



The LED linear cascade lighting system combines tool-free installation, flexible construction, and simple maintenance. A linear lamp requires little installation time, which increases building efficiency significantly. It’s also simple to install. The installation does not require the construction of a bridge for ordinary linear lamps; the linear track may be used as a lamp bracket, and the lamp body has a seamless junction, saving the expense of ceiling decorating and maintaining the top’s tidy appearance.

Light quality:

The light has a high light efficiency of 160lm/w, which ensures that the supermarket lighting effect is both brilliant and energy-saving.

In the market, providing a systematic, convenient, and straightforward answer is critical to winning clients. This concept and design serve as the foundation for our integrated supermarket lighting system. It offers consumers a comprehensive suite of supermarket lighting solutions, eliminating the customer’s involvement in light selection, construction, and trouble coordination. The system also works with powerful lighting characteristics and does not require costly renovations.

Ceiling Light Application

In short, the integrated supermarket lighting system has emerged as the industry leader due to its attractive, adaptable, flexible, and high-quality light quality. We anticipate that in the future, this system will continue to set the standard for supermarket lighting.


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