The nutritional value of frozen meat

Experiments have shown that some protein will indeed be lost after one thawing, but overall the nutritional value has not changed much.
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Will the nutritional value of frozen meat be lost?

Lacking in nutritional value has always been one of the most unpopular reasons for frozen meat, but in fact, the nutritional value of frozen meat is really not bad.

Usually the nutrition when we eat meat, the nutrition supplied is protein. Experiments have shown that some protein will indeed be lost after one thawing, but overall the nutritional value has not changed much.

Inoltre, meat will inhibit the activity of enzymes during the freezing process, but when thawed at 0-4 ℃, these enzymes can slowly become active again, which can produce amino acids and other flavor substances, so that the flavor and taste of the meat can return to best.

But, the meat that has been thawed repeatedly is not good at all.

This is because during the freezing of meat, the water in the cells will form small ice crystals and the cellular structure of the meat will be destroyed. Once thawed repeatedly, a large amount of water will be lost, and many small holes will be formed on the surface of the meat, so it will be dry and old to eat. The most important thing is that if the freeze is degraded at a higher temperature, it may also cause the growth of bacteria.

So it is recommended that before eating frozen meat, it is best to divide it into one-off amounts and save them one by one. And when thawing, it is best to put it in the refrigerator to thaw but not under the high temperature.

In the supermarket, our LED lightings, like T8, LBF, SPU etc. Series are used in the refrigerator or freezer show displays. They will not cause the temperature to rise, will not breed bacteria, and will help maintain the freshness of meat.


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