LED Lights Too Bright? How To Reduce The Blinding (3)
Today we would like to talk about how can we can do when LED device lamps are too bright.
Today we would like to talk about how can we can do when LED device lamps are too bright.
LED lights are very economical, but sometimes produce a very bright light. Last time we talked about what can we do against bright LED illuminants, now let’s continue to talk how to darken luminaire with integrated LEDs.
Depending on how the LEDs are used, there are different ways of darkening the lights. In the following sections you will find the steps to solve the most common cases of bright LEDs.
How about LED efficiency? The overall efficiency of an LED lamp includes all the components it contains. This is often referred to as wall-plug efficiency.
The efficiency and efficacy of LED lamps are often mixed. This is certainly due to the fact that there is a direct connection between these two terms. Before further consideration, you should familiarize yourself with the exact definition.
Depending on their specifications, some LED drivers can also facilitate dimming and/or color sequencing.
各 LED ライトをオンにして動作するには、LED ドライバーと呼ばれる特別なデバイスが必要です。. 前回も言ったように, 2つのタイプがあります – 定圧力、定電流; では、定圧力と定電流とは何ですか?? この記事では、定圧力と定電流とは何かについて説明します。.
An LED driver is an electronic circuit that generates a constant output current from the supply voltage.
The term degradation in connection with LED lighting describes the decrease in luminous flux over the course of a lifetime.
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