


スーパーマーケットの冷蔵陳列に革命を起こす: Laidishine の SPU シリーズが輝く

Laidishine の SPU 照明ソリューションはスーパーマーケットの陳列ケースで注目を集めています, エネルギー効率と美観の向上. 洗練されたレンズ技術, 安全な電圧, 低消費電力, 色再現能力の向上により、冷蔵ディスプレイの見方が変わります. SPUシリーズは、配光の最適化と眩しさの低減により、お客様に魅力的な視覚環境を演出します。, 影や過剰な明るさを避けながら均一な照明を提供します。, 安全な電圧と低消費電力の使用は、スーパーマーケットが持続可能な運営を達成し、環境フットプリントを削減するのに役立ちます, while a color reproduction index of up to CRI>90 ensures food color authenticity, 顧客と小売業者の両方にとって戦略的メリットがあります. SPUシリーズの導入は、スーパーマーケットにメリットをもたらすのは省エネだけではありません, 売上を上げることによっても, カスタマー・ロイヤルティ, そしてより効率的な可能性, 美しい, 将来の満足のいく小売体験.

the light for the Fruit rack in the Fresh Hema

前に & 後: Fresh Hippo Storeの業務用冷蔵ショーケースのLED照明を改修

What benefit did the Fresh Hippo store gain from the renovation of LED lighting for commercial refrigerated display cases?
Check out Laidishine’s incredible change of LED lighting for Fresh Hippo’s commercial refrigerated display cabinets in Shanghai. This improvement not only improves the product’s visual attractiveness, but also provides numerous benefits to the store and the environment. Let us take a deeper look at these important developments.

LED lighting factory

Site Visit to Retail Snacks Chain Shops

Site Visit to Retail Snacks Chain Shops
This article describes an exciting field trip that focuses on the practical application of lighting technology in a retail snack chain and provides valuable training for the client’s installation team. The visit highlighted the importance of lighting in creating a superior customer experience and highlighted the purpose of using lighting effectively in retail snack chains to improve service levels. The article also emphasizes the importance of training the installation team to ensure that the lighting system of the customer’s store is optimized at the technical level. Ultimately, the site visit not only provided valuable experience and knowledge, but also demonstrated the company’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, giving them more confidence to deliver compelling lighting solutions in the retail snack industry.


セールス・エクセレンスを強化する: Laidishineの新入社員研修プログラムへようこそ

Believing in the power of the sales team, Laidishine offers a comprehensive and motivating training program for new sales employees. The training focuses on building a solid foundation of sales employees in the refrigeration industry and products, covering cooling system science, advanced technologies, and different industry needs, enabling employees to confidently interact with customers to provide customized solutions that meet their unique needs. Laidishine’s commitment to the growth and development of its employees goes beyond initial training programmes, with ongoing support, mentorship and promotion opportunities. Encourage employees to take the initiative to develop their careers, participate in continuous learning programs, and take on new challenges. Designed to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in the highly competitive field of refrigeration solutions. 一緒に, we will make a significant impact in the industry, drive business growth, and deliver unmatched customer value.


世界環境デーを祝う: LEDライトで未来を照らす

Laidishine is proud to celebrate World Environment Day, a global initiative aimed at promoting environmental awareness and encouraging sustainable practices. As a leading provider of lighting for commercial refrigerated display cases, Laidishine recognizes the pivotal role LED lights play in reducing energy consumption, minimizing carbon emissions, and creating a brighter, more sustainable future.

LED shelf lighting for retail stores

Illuminating Success: Enhancing Retail Spaces with LED Lighting

Yesterday, I had the honor to visit the display of retail customers and to train them on the installation of shelf lights. ライディシンから, we understand the importance of creating a visually appealing shopping environment that captures customersattention and encourages purchasing decisions. Lighting plays a vital role in achieving this and our team is excited to help our customers in this regard.

冷蔵ショーケース ライト

Laidishine LED 照明で業務用冷蔵ショーケースをアップグレード

Laidishine LED 照明で業務用冷蔵ショーケースをアップグレード
When it comes to lighting upgrades for commercial refrigerated display cases, one of the biggest concerns for businesses is the cost and time involved in replacing the entire display case. With simple installation, low maintenance, customizable options, エネルギー効率, and improved product presentation, Leddison LED lighting can help your business stand out in a competitive market.

Chinashop2023 laidishine

ラディシン & ChinaShop 2023

We invite you to visit our booth at Chinashop2023, where you can experience our products firsthand and learn more about our lighting solutions. Our booth number is N2020.

The Led Lightings Of SFT Series-Blog Cover

The Future of LED Lighting

Human-centric LED lighting works with the people occupying the space to create the most effective environment for them.


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