点灯するシェルフライトの選び方 12 または24ボルト

LED shelf lights are becoming a large retailer's go-to tool for increasing turnover because they not only make the product area brighter and draw customers' attention, ただし、省エネも含まれます, 防爆, と安全機能. しかし、一般的な 12V と 24V の低電圧ライトのどちらを選択すればよいでしょうか。? それで, このクエリについてはさらに詳しく説明します.

LED 棚照明は、商品エリアを明るくして顧客を引き寄せるだけでなく、大手小売店にとって売上高を増やすための頼りになるツールになりつつあります。’ 注意, but they also include energy-saving, 防爆, と安全機能. After years of industrial experience, everyone knows that low-voltage shelf lights are best, しかし、一般的な 12V と 24V の低電圧ライトのどちらを選択すればよいでしょうか。? Below, このクエリについてはさらに詳しく説明します.

Depending on your needs and the light’s power, you should decide whether to use a 12V or 24V light. While both can be used normally, in this case, I advise using the 24V. The 24V current is almost half as tiny as the 12 current at the same power, and the voltage drop that results causes a very slight decrease in brightness along the LED strip. They vary in the following ways:

LED light for shelf

1.Various applications

Due to its low power, the 12-volt light can be used in small spaces like closets. Greater brightness can be achieved with the 24-volt light since it has a comparatively high power and a larger current. Since the shelf is typically several meters long and requires series LED light connections, 24 volts is a better option.

2.Varying degrees of heat loss

A 12-volt light uses less energy, produces less heat, and lowers the chance of overheating in part because it has a lower voltage and current. There will be more heat because of the 24 volts of power. The 24-volt service life is less than the 12-volt service life in a small area. 結果として, while buying the led shelf light, one must make a careful decision based on the quality of the lights and lanterns, not just on price.

Science Fact: There are two different cutting modes for LED light strips: 12 volts and 24 volts. The cutting distance for 24 pay is 5 SM-DC-16ディスクトップキャップ, with 6 lamp beads for each cutting. belt with three lamp beads, one tailoring, and a 12-volt lamp. A pressure decrease occurs at 5 meters for the 12-volt strip and 10 meters for the 24-volt strip. It’s safe to cut because the light belt has been cut.

To sum up, 24-volt lamps are more suitable for shelf life.

More product knowledge:https://www.laidishine.com/




T8チューブ: 蛍光から LED へのイノベーションの旅

照明技術の長い歴史の中で, T8蛍光管は冷蔵庫照明の分野で輝く星でした. による 2017, その独特の照明の外観と全体的に一貫したパフォーマンスで広く注目を集めました。. しかし, LED照明技術の急速な進歩により、, T8 蛍光管の市場での地位は挑戦されました。この記事では、T8 ライトの進化について説明します。, 数種類のT8ランプを導入, LED 技術普及の文脈における Laidishine の発明に焦点を当てる.



顧客の 40% は色に基づいて肉を判断します, 世論調査によると. 間違いなく, この調査は、売上を伸ばすために外観がいかに重要であるかを明らかにしています. この文脈における冷蔵庫のディスプレイ照明の重要性は、商品のディスプレイ効果を向上させる上で不可欠な要素であるため、明らかです。この記事では、ショーケースのランプが肉に与える影響と、肉用ランプの選び方について説明します。


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