Maintenance Costs of LED Lightings (3)

One of the most underrated benefits of LED lighting is the lower maintenance costs.

LED lights and traditional lights also differ in labor costs.

Labour costs

In certain commercial buildings, such as industry, the lighting is often mounted on a high ceiling. This makes it difficult to replace the lamps or panels yourself. They often need the help of a hired mechanic with a passenger elevator that also has to be paid for. If, 一方で, you take over the exchange yourself, you may lose valuable (working) time. But LED lights hardly require maintenance, so this part of the labor cost can be saved.


While conventional lamps often lose their luminosity after approx. 3,000 hours or they go completely defective, LEDs last 50,000-100,000 時間, depending on the model. What does that mean specifically for you? A short calculation example:

If we assume that your lights are on for 60 hours a week during regular business operations, that would be around 3,000 hours for 52 weeks a year. With a service life of 20,000 時間, you benefit from your LEDs for around 6 年, and with 100,000 hours even for over 30 年! Conventional lamps with a lifespan of 1 year, 一方で, are very disadvantageous.

Switching to LED lights is worthwhile in several ways and will save you a lot of money in the long term.





多くの流通業者やエンドユーザー販売業者は、販売規制を遵守し、売上を大幅に伸ばす秘訣は効果的な在庫表示であることを認識しています。. しかし, 現在の市場状況で顧客の関心は変わりつつある. 火薬を使わないこの戦いにおいて、顧客を惹きつけて維持するためには、ユニークなショッピング体験を生み出すことが特に重要です. そして、冷凍庫ランプがこの設定の中心的なコンポーネントであるため、, その重要性は明らかです. 照明環境の最適化, 特に冷蔵庫の照明デザイン, 商品力の向上と販売変革を促進する新たな戦場として浮上.


T8チューブ: 蛍光から LED へのイノベーションの旅

照明技術の長い歴史の中で, T8蛍光管は冷蔵庫照明の分野で輝く星でした. による 2017, その独特の照明の外観と全体的に一貫したパフォーマンスで広く注目を集めました。. しかし, LED照明技術の急速な進歩により、, T8 蛍光管の市場での地位は挑戦されました。この記事では、T8 ライトの進化について説明します。, 数種類のT8ランプを導入, LED 技術普及の文脈における Laidishine の発明に焦点を当てる.


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