Ams Osram Sells LED Driver Business To China’s Inventronics

Laidishine New LED Light-News Cover


LED lights need LED drivers. それで, LED drivers are indispensable for the manufacturer of LED lights, like us Laidishine. Today we would like to share a news about LED drivers.

Ams Osram has agreed to sell its European and Asian LED driver business to China’s Inventronics, marking ams Osram’s latest unloading of lighting operations as it focuses on chip-level activity in LEDs, lasers, and sensors.

The business that ams is selling is called Digital Systems, also known as Digital Systems Eurasia. It’s based in Garching, Germany and has about 600 employees. Ams Osram sold the North American portion of Digital Systems to Acuity Brands a year ago, and had been searching for a buyer for Eurasia since then.

Digital Systems is known for LED drivers (power components), LED light engines, electronic ballasts, and components for internet connectivity.

In announcing the most recent sale, ams Osram said, “The ams Osram Europe and Asia Digital Systems business develops mainly power supplies with related light modules, software, and connectable components for traditional and LED illumination.”

It also noted that “these are essential components for luminaires in professional lighting applications that enable smart lighting solutions and digitalization.”

That would seem to make a good match with LED driver supplier Inventronics, a publicly traded company with manufacturing facilities in China, India, and Mexico, and distribution centers in the U.S. and Holland.




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