Detailed Introduction Of T8 Tube Light

T8 チューブ ライト - ニュース カバー


The T8 tube is a type of fluorescent lamp (or fluorescent tube,T8 tube light fluorescent tube, or fluorescent tube) with a diameter of 1 inch and about 25 んん. It is a type of gas discharge lamp.

It uses electricity to activate mercury vapor in argon or neon gas to form plasma and emit short-wave ultraviolet rays,T8 tube light causing phosphors to emit visible fluorescence for illumination. The general fluorescent tube is made of glass,T8 tube light with sockets at both ends to connect the power supply and fix the position of the fluorescent tube.

Unlike light bulbs,T8 tube light fluorescent tubes must be equipped with a ballast (also called aballast”),T8 tube light which cooperates with the starter to generate instantaneous high voltage that allows gas to ionize. Some new types of fluorescent lamps use a different ionization method from traditional fluorescent lamps,T8 tube light eliminating the need to use ballasts and starters, which greatly saves power and reduces the size,T8 tube light so that it can be used in the socket of traditional light bulbs,T8 tube light also known as “省エネランプ” orEnergy saving bulb”.


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