Ebm‑papst Presented New EC Motor For Refrigeration Technology

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As a professional manufacture of LED lightings for refrigerated display cabinets, we care about the refrigeration industry. LED lightings are important parts for refrigeration system, and there are also another important parts, for example, fans. Let’s share a news about fans for refrigeration.

The new iQ-one EC motor from ebm‑papst meets all these requirements and can also be combined with an aerodynamically optimized fan impeller.

Fans are now indispensable in supermarkets, as compact refrigerated cabinets can only operate with their help. 数年前, shaded-pole motors were still the standard for driving the fans, as they are economical, robust and durable. しかし, their poor efficiency levels can no longer be tolerated today.

In addition to the energy-saving fans already established on the market for refrigeration technology, ebm‑papst has now developed the new iQ-one EC motor, which enables an output power of up to 5 watts for easy like-for-like replacement of existing Q or shaded-pole motors. Compared to conventional Q motors, it has a high motor efficiency level of 50% and operates at full power with low noise characteristics. It is designed for all typical supply voltages and can therefore be used worldwide. The iQ-one can be combined with different fan impellers of sizes 154, 172 そして 200 んん. It is an efficient fan solution for a wide range of applications, especially with the aerodynamically optimized fan impellers in sizes 172 そして 200 んん. Particularly in supermarkets, where many fans operate continuously, the potential energy savings are especially high.



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