Laidishine 旧正月後に営業再開



As we bid adieu to the Lunar New Year festivities, it’s time to bring that celebratory spirit back into the workplace. The holidays provided a much-needed break, and now we’re geared up with renewed energy for a successful 2024.

Let’s carry the positive vibes of the Lunar New Year into our projects, embracing challenges with a fresh perspective. Here’s to a productive return to work, infused with the joy and determination that marked our celebrations.

Laidishine wishes everyone a year of prosperity and accomplishment!


Laidishine Skills Training

Laidishine welding process training

Yesterday, we conducted LED light welding training for all the technical team and production partners, aiming to improve the skills of all staff and ensure

Lightning ソリューションの最新の市場価格と優位性を知りたい?


Factory News-BG02


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