Laidishine の照明がウォルマートの冷蔵ディスプレイを向上させる



ウォルマートとの最新のコラボレーション, Laidishine は包括的な改修プロジェクトに高度な LED 照明ソリューションを提供しました. 冷蔵ショーケースの改修を中心とした取り組み, transforming them into vibrant, energy-efficient display units.

Our high-performance LED lighting enhances product visibility, ensuring items are showcased in their true colors. This not only improves the visual appeal but also enriches the shopping experience for Walmart’s customers. Alongside these aesthetic benefits, the retrofit significantly reduces energy consumption, aligning with Walmart’s sustainability goals and commitment to environmentally friendly practices.

Laidishine’s tailored solutions for multi-deck displays, vertical freezers, and island showcases ensure optimal illumination with precision-engineered designs. Whether it’s enhancing brightness, eliminating shadows, or seamlessly integrating new lights into existing setups, our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results.

We’re honoured to support Walmart in this impactful project and look forward to continuing our partnership in creating innovative, sustainable lighting solutions for retail.

一緒に, we’re lighting the way to a brighter, greener future!


Laidishine Skills Training

Laidishine welding process training

Yesterday, we conducted LED light welding training for all the technical team and production partners, aiming to improve the skills of all staff and ensure

Lightning ソリューションの最新の市場価格と優位性を知りたい?


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