LED Road Markings In The UK

LED Road Markings In The UK-News CCover


A new zebra crossing which lights up as pedestrians approach it is the first in the UK.

The innovative new concept in Portsmouth, Hampshire has LED panels installed in the road surface and illuminates as pedestrians walk towards it.

It was developed to make zebra crossings safer as it makes pedestrians more visible to approaching drivers at night.

The new crossing system will be monitored and the concept could be replicated across other parts of the city if it’s successful.

Portsmouth City Council’s cabinet member for traffic and transportation, Councillor Lynne Stagg, said: ‘We are always looking for new ways to improve road safety and I’m delighted we’re the first place in the UK to use this innovative new technology.

‘We chose this crossing because it’s very busy particularly at night with all the nearby bars and restaurants, we want to make the crossing more visible and encourage more people to cross there safely.

‘We always tell people to make themselves as visible as possible, it’s a really simple way to improve safety and lighting up this crossing is a great example of how that can work.

Road contractor Colas developed the lighting system, which worked with the local council and the Department of Transport.

TIan Gibson, director of asset contracting at Colas, said: ‘It is a first in the UK and we are looking forward to sharing the results of this trial within the industry.

The above news is quoted from the Daily Mail. LED panels technology can be applied to people’s traffic safety, that is so great.




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