Mechanic Falls Council Contracts For LED Lights

LED 照明アプリケーション - ニュースの表紙


The Town Council on Monday night unanimously approved an agreement with RealTerm Energy to change 102 streetlights to energy-efficient LEDs.

The Annapolis, Maryland, company would replace equipment on the poles for $68,977 and provide a 10-year maintenance program for $2,448 per year. The total savings for the town over 20 years is estimated at $335,693.

The proposal, presented by Mark Carter of RealTerm, said the town spent over $19,400 for over 60,000 kilowatt-hours per year. Switching to LEDs would drop consumption to 16,000 kWhs at an annual cost of $4,500.

RealTerm has been involved in changing municipal lighting in over 45 Maine communities, including Auburn, Oxford, Paris and Norway.

Town Manager Vic Hodgkins said at the Nov. 1 council meeting that Central Maine Power owns the poles and charged the town about $20,000 per year for the lighting equipment. He said CMP would change the lights to LEDs at no cost and lower the charge to $13,000 per year, if the town agreed to a 15-year contract.

The council believed RealTerm offered more savings in the long run.

The power saving advantage of LED lightings can really save cost.



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